what does it mean to be healthy

The word health refers to a state of complete emotional and physical well-being. Healthcare exists to help people maintain this optimal state of health. According to The World Health Organization (WHO) the word health is, “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being,” and this includes the use of personal and social resources to ensure an individual can function throughout their everyday lives. In other words, if your body can effectively manage threats to your system (physically, mentally or emotionally), you are considered to be healthy. Keep in mind, health care providers are trained individuals that are equipped to evaluate every aspect of your health, but there are some general signs that indicate if you are in good health from a physical and mental perspective:

Health types :-

Mental and physical health are probably the two most frequently discussed types of health.

Spiritual, emotional, and financial health also contribute to overall health. Medical experts have linked these to lower stress levels and improved mental and physical well-being.

People with better financial health, for example, may worry less about finances and have the means to buy fresh food more regularly. Those with good spiritual health may feel a sense of calm and purpose that fuels good mental health.

Let’s first know about physical health

A person who has good physical health is likely to have bodily functions and processes working at their peak.

This is not only due not only to an absence of disease. Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate rest all contribute to good health. People receive medical treatment to maintain the balance, when necessary.

Physical well-being involves pursuing a healthful lifestyle to decrease the risk of disease. Maintaining physical fitness, for example, can protect and develop the endurance of a person’s breathing and heart function, muscular strength, flexibility, and body composition.

Looking after physical health and well-being also involves reducing the risk of an injury or health issue, such as:

Some important things to by which you can get good physical health are …..

  • minimizing hazards in the work place using contraception when having sex
  • practicing effective hygiene
  • avoiding the use of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs
  • taking the recommended vaccines for a specific condition or country when traveling

You have learned about physical health, now let’s talk about mental health.

According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services,Trusted Source mental health refers to a person’s emotional, social, and psychological well-being. Mental health is as important as physical health as part of a full, active lifestyle.

It is harder to define mental health than physical health because many psychological diagnoses depend on an individual’s perception of their experience.

With improvements in testing, however, doctors are now able to identify some physical signs of some types of mental illness in CT scans and genetic tests.mental

Good health is depends on what you think and this is not only categories by the anxiety or depression because person’s ability is the reason too

Some important things by which you can get good mental health are …..

  • enjoy lifebounce back after difficult experiences and adapt to adversity
  • Balance different elements of life, such as family and finances
  • feel safe and secure
  • achieve their full potential

Now let’s talk about some general things that will indicate that your health is good ? From a physical and mental perspective

01- You Have To Go for A Diet That’s Full Of Whole foods :-

This is a simple and easy way, to be super healthy, nothing is better than eating super healthy, that’s why include whole foods and optimal nutrition to your daily diet as consistently as possible. That means including whole, unprocessed foods into your meals. Occasionally splurging is okay, but it is definitely not recommended frequently No matter how healthy the food is, it is important to eat in a balance if you start eating more. Because this is all about balance!!!

02- you should do exercise and movement in your daily routine:-

You have to include exercise in your daily routine, it generates activity in your body. Because The recommended amount of exercise for good health is 150 weekly minutes of moderate activity, like brisk walking. You can easily meet this expectation without having to purchase a membership to a local gym. Especially with the beautiful weather we’re currently experiencing, getting on a bike, heading to the pool for a swim or taking a walk around the block would be the perfect way to soak in some Vitamin D while getting in some exercise! Depending on your level of physical fitness, it is always important to connect with a professional that can guide you on the right activities to engage in.

what is health???

In 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as “… a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” It’s a definition that’s been widely adopted, including by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but is it realistic?

Additionally, advances in early detection, medications, technologies and treatment strategies for cancer, heart disease and diabetes make it possible for people to feel healthy — not because the disease is absent, but because it can be managed more effectively.

The concept of wellness has changed over time as well. No longer do people live by a motto of Benjamin Franklin’s day: “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Some factors related to health and wellness are relatively universal:

  • Eating diets that are low in sugar, bad fats, and processed foods and high in vegetables, good fats and lean proteins.
  • Drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
  • voiding unhealthy behaviors including excessive use of alcohol, smoking, sedentary — or alternatively, high-stress — lifestyles.
  • Exercising regularly — whether it’s walking 10,000 steps a day, working out at a fitness center or engaging in another type of physical activity.
  • Getting adequate sleep and maintaining a balanced schedule.

Technology role health and fitness

Technology also has a great contribution in our well being. In today’s time, new technology helps us a lot to keep ourselves healthy. As technological change has transformed how people work, communicate with each other and entertain themselves, attitudes about health and wellness have gone through transitions as well. Purposeful exercise like spin classes would have been a source of amusement pre-1960s. Just ask your grandpa whether he went out jogging when he was young. He would most probably laugh at you and tell you to do gardening or paint the fence around the house if you want some exercise….”

As technology eased physical burdens associated with work — think about how much easier and faster it is to mow your lawn today than 50 years ago — people had more freedom to engage in recreational activities. More recently, says the same article, “With the appearance of portable diagnostics, health sensors and wearables, not only the hospital but also the patient becomes the point of care.”

People have easy access to apps and devices can track their steps, count their calories, monitor their sleep patterns, practice meditation and manage stress. But, as the saying goes, “You can bring a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” Motivating individuals to actively participate in their health and wellness journey requires better insights into how they approach the idea of being healthy

Psychographics segments :-

Now let’s talk about the psychographic segments, I do a thing, I will explain it to you by giving an example. Examples of such traits are social status, daily activities, food habits, and opinions of certain subjects. For example, to monitor the sleep habits of people, a sleep survey is conducted. The sleep survey template consists of various questions about the sleeping habits of a respondent which help in drawing conclusions about what habits impact sleep and the factors that cause sleeplessness.

How good to be healthy ?

Many people get active to improve overall health, build muscle, and of course, get a killer bod, but working out has above-the-neck benefits, too. For the past decade or so, scientists have pondered exercise and nutrition can boost overall health. Regardless of age or fitness level, studies show that making time for exercise and adjusting your diet provides some serious mental benefits. In this post, we’ll talk about tips on how to take care of our bodies; both our physical and mental well-being. Remember, it’s important to turn healthy behaviors into habits – practice these tips regularly to make them part of your lifestyle.

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