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Best healthy hebits to make your life easy

Best healthy hebits for easy life Habits are so important to making the most of every day. We want to make as many good habits as possible, while limiting the bad. Here are 52 brilliant habits that could change your life – all good of course! – so let’s get started straight away

Why we should create hebits?

Life can be hard – rushing around all the time and never feeling like you actually get anything you really want done…

Habits can help.

They’ve helped me to get more organised and find more time in my day – and I’m sure they can do the same for you.

Having a new habit each week for a year means that over the next year you can set up a day to day life that really works for you – giving you a less stressful and easier life.

Of course, you may already be doing some of these – and some may not suit the way you live (or who you live with etc…)

so feel free to make a list of your own – let this be your inspiration and a guide to get you started.

1- Make the bed every morning

Ideally let it air while you are in the bathroom and getting ready.

It’s known that leaving it to air is healthier

So leave as long as you can but always make the bed at the end of your morning routine.

BENEFIT: As the bed is the largest area in your room, usually, making it neat and tidy makes a HUGE difference to the perceived state of the rest of the room.

It automatically makes your bedroom feel clean and tidy and gives you a sense of order.

2-Take Any Medication You Need At The Same Time Each Day

I have meds I have to take every morning, and so I do this before I get out of bed so I don’t forget.

I keep them by my water so I can see them for a visual reminder as well

BENEFIT: This will stop stress when you realise halfway through the day that you haven’t taken it – use a medicine storage box to make it easy to make sure you’ve taken them (it splits it up into days).

3 – Always take Breakfast

This is a tough one for me, as I don’t like eating early.

I DO have breakfast, but a little later in the morning

So my advice would be to find a time that works for you, as you’re more likely to stick to it.

BENEFIT: Sets you up for the day – and it’s said that you tend to snack less on unhealthy foods if you eat at the start of the day.

4- Hang Out Tomorrows Clothes

Taking time to work out what you want to wear tomorrow is a great habit to get into, as you’ll be ready to go much easier the following morning.

One tip is to look at the weather forecast so you can hopefully dress appropriately

If you need extra accessories (different bag, coat, umbrella etc…

then you can sort it out before going to bed.

BENEFIT: You don’t have to rush in the morning, or find too late that something is in the wash or needs ironing.

5- Check Your Diary For The Next Day

…and ensure you have everything you need ready to go.

This works for kids with their school work (so they have time to get their homework done), and for you for things like appointments and checking with others that they are ready for a meeting etc.Hebits for easy life

BENEFIT: Much less stress in the morning! (you can also check the time you need to get up if it’s different to usual for any reason).

You can take help of Keto Cookbook click on the picture below

6-Try And Go To Bed At The Same Time Each Night

A great way to get into the habit of a good evening routine is to get to bed at the same time.

It will make everything work backwards in terms of knowing what time to do each thing before getting into bed (shower, bath, dinner etc…) so you can feel more in control.

BENEFIT: As with getting up at the same time each morning (#6), this will help to regulate your body and help you feel much better each day.

7-Review Your Day Last Thing At Night

I totally love reviewing my day at the end of the day as I tend to forget all the little things that have happened

how much I’ve achieved

I think #14 is therefore one of my favourite habits of all!

I love to think of 3 good things in the day, which also works well for my daughter when we’re talking about the day.

BENEFIT: You go to bed feeling accomplished, and positive.

8-Check All Birthdays And Events You Need To Buy Presents/Cards For Each Week

You can get everything in one go and save time and energy. Hebits for easy life

Not only that, but…

BENEFIT: Looking ahead all the time means you’re much less likely to forget or miss a Birthday.

9-Always Add Time To Tasks In Your Diary

Add in contingency time, travel time and time for the actual task into your diary – not just the task itself.

BENEFIT: You’ll then be able to see exactly how much of day will be taken up, and not overbook yourself.

It’s much more realistic way of doing things as a lot of people simply write in a start time and forget about all the surrounding time required.Hebits for easy life

10- Don’t Leave Things Until The Last Minute

Always do immediately or plan in a time (that allows for contingency as well) to get it done.

BENEFIT: You’ll feel so much less stressed, and not have to rush tasks because of lack of enough time to get it done properly.

11-Open Your Post When You Have Time To Action Items

If you open your post when short on time, you can’t make any necessary phone calls, pay bills, send forms back etc…

And this can be really stressful

BENEFIT: You’ll be able to get things done in one go and not have to make little piles of things to do later.

12- Check Before You Buy

When shopping, always ask yourself if you need the item, and whether you can get it cheaper elsewhere

BENEFIT: This makes you question your purchases and therefore save money, and reduce clutter in your home.

13- Scan The Room When Leaving

Ensure that when you leave a room you scan to see if anything needs to be taken out of it – then do it!

BENEFIT: Will keep you on top of tidying and keep your home ready for guests at any time.

14-Always Put Things Back Where They Should Go

Any time you use something, put it back straight away – in the right place.

It takes no longer to do this than put it back somewhere else…

BENEFIT: You’ll always find things when you need them.

15-Manage The Kitchen Mess

When cooking, wash up and keep tidy while you go rather than wait until the end (or after you’ve eaten).

BENEFIT: This is easy to do when you get organised during cooking, and it leaves just the plates and a pot or two to sort out after eating, when you really won’t feel like tackling a kitchen mess.Hebits for easy life

16- Eat 5 Fruit And Veg A Day

BENEFIT: A balanced diet can help you be more productive, healthier and so many more benefits.

It’s hard not to have this as one of your key habits!

17-Take A Multi Vitamin

Or any type of extra boost that you need. I take Vitamin D as I am prone to being low in this vitamin – you do what you need…

BENEFIT: That extra boost can only be a good thing!

18-Try A New Recipe Each Week

You can take help of Keto Cookbook click on the picture below

Have a list of recipes you’d like to try close at hand so you have no excuses!

BENEFIT: Stops boredom setting in! – Most of us stick to a few tried and tested recipes each week, and it can get very dull.

19-Do some exercises daily

Whether it be a gym visit, run, walk, playing with your children, a fitness video or some simple sit-ups and press ups – you can always fit in a little each day Hebits for easy life

BENEFIT: It gives you more energy, and a zest for life!

20-Create Some Relaxing Time Each Day

5 minutes of meditation, deep breathing, stretching etc..

can be all it takes to de-stress

BENEFIT – It’s important to relax!