
10 Best Exercises for Diabetes

According to the CDC, more than 37 million Americans have diabetes. And about 90-95% of them have Type 2 diabetes (T2D).This type of diabetes occurs when your cells can’t process  sugar for energy or storage.  BEST EXERCISES FOR DIABETES

There are several risk factors for T2D, including genetics and age. Luckily, there are things you can do to manage or reduce your risk of T2D. Staying active and making other lifestyle changes can help. Read on to find out why physical activity and planned exercise is so important for people with T2D. 

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How does exercise help you manage Type 2 diabetes?

First, let’s look at how Type 2 diabetes affects blood sugar (glucose) levels. Your pancreas makes insulin, which allows your cells to obtain blood sugar and use it as energy. When you have T2D, your cells do not respond normally to insulin (insulin resistance), and your pancreas makes more to compensate. This makes your blood sugar rise, leading to a prediabetes or T2D diagnosis.  BEST EXERCISES FOR DIABETES

Fortunately, physical activity can help you manage the effects of Type 2 diabetes. For example, regular exercise can: 

  • Lowers blood sugar levels:An exercise routine may lower blood sugar levels over time. 
  • Help cells respond to insulin better: Exercise improves insulin sensitivity, allowing cells to use the hormone more effectively. 
  • Contribute to healthy weight loss: Moderate-intensity exercise can help you achieve healthy weight loss, which may prevent or reverse T2D. 
  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease: Type 2 diabetes can increase your risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. Luckily, combined exercise training can lower these cardiovascular risk factors.
  • Maintain muscle strength: Diabetes is a risk factor for low muscle mass and strength. Regular physical activity can help you maintain muscle strength.

How often should you exercise if you have Type 2 diabetes? 

General guidelines recommend that people with Type 2 diabetes do aerobics and strength training exercises every week. Strength training or aerobics can help you manage your blood sugar. But a combination of the two may be even more effective. 

According to these guidelines, you should aim for 150 minutes of aerobics and two to three strength training sessions every week. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) suggests daily exercise to meet these goals. But if that doesn’t work with your schedule, they recommend not skipping your workout more than 2 days in a row. 

These recommendations are not appropriate for everyone with Type 2 diabetes. For example, weight lifting or high-intensity aerobics may not be safe if you have certain medical conditions in addition to diabetes. So it’s best to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any regimen. 

10 exercises to help you manage Type 2 diabetes

A well-rounded exercise routine should include a variety of activities. These workouts can help you improve and maintain your fitness, strength, and flexibility. 

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Here are 10 ideas to help you get started: 

1. Walking

Walking is a low-impact activity that many people enjoy. Getting your steps can improve your blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol levels. And 30 minutes of brisk walking –– or about 100 steps a minute –– is a great way to meet the ADA’s recommendation for daily aerobic exercise. 

You can also boost the intensity of your walks by adding activities like stair climbing. But if you weren’t active before your diabetes diagnosis, consider starting slowly and gradually upping the pace. 

2. Running  

With proper training –– and your healthcare provider’s approval –– you can work your way up from brisk walking to running. This faster-paced activity has been linked to a reduced risk of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol. 

3. Cycling

There’s a reason stationary bikes have become so popular. Regular bicycling can improve everything from your heart and lung health to your balance and posture. But you don’t need an expensive fitness bike to get started. You can grab an old bike and hit the outdoors or try a stationary bike at your local gym. And research shows that cycling can improve health outcomes for people who have diabetes.

4. Dancing

Adding dance to your routine can make your workouts more fun. Dancing is a heart-healthy activity that can also improve your fitness and blood sugar levels. One study found that people with T2D who participated in a dance program were more motivated to stick to a routine than those who did a different fitness program. 

5. Water aerobics

There are plenty of reasons to take your workout to the pool. Water exercises like swimming are easy on the joints and may reduce blood sugar levels. They may also boost overall fitness, strength, and heart health in people with . 

6. High intensity interval training

With HIIT, you switch between short bouts of high-intensity activities and longer bouts of lower-intensity moves. You can add it to various exercises like running and cycling. If you have Type 2 diabetes, HIIT may decrease your fasting blood sugar

7. Weight training

This form of strength training uses weights or other equipment to build or maintain muscle mass and strength. And it may increase insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance in people with T2D. 

8. Yoga

Yoga involves low-impact movement, meditation, and breathing. It can improve balance, flexibility, and strength. This is especially helpful for older people with T2D who might be at greater risk of falling. The practice may also help you manage your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. 

9. Tai chi

Tai chi also combines low-impact moves, meditation, and breathing techniques. The ancient practice promotes better balance, range of motion, and overall well-being. And adding it to your fitness routine may lower your blood sugar.

10. Pilates

Another low-impact form of exercise, Pilates earns a spot on this list for good reason. It uses repetitive movements and breath control to strengthen your core and improve your balance and posture. And a study showed that practicing Pilates helped participants with T2D control their blood glucose. 

Does exercising more affect my prescription dosages?

Medications for Type 2 diabetes work in different ways. Some help increase insulin, while others lower glucose absorption. But all of them aim to control your blood sugar. 

And we know that physical activity affects your blood sugar too. For example, exercise can lower your blood sugar for more than 24 hours after a workout. So regular exercise might affect your prescription dosages. If you take insulin, you might need a lower dosage to prevent hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. BEST EXERCISES FOR DIABETES

That’s why it’s so important to talk to your healthcare provider before you start exercising. Your provider might recommend checking your blood sugar before and after your workout to understand how different activities affect your body. They can also adjust your prescription dosages accordingly. 

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The bottom line

Regular physical activity can help you manage Type 2 diabetes. According to the ADA, your fitness routine should incorporate multiple kinds of exercise, including aerobics and strength training. And doing several different activities you enjoy can help you make exercise a part of your daily life. It’s helpful to check with your healthcare provider about safety and best practices before you get started.