How To Get In Shape After 40 and 50: Tips For Fitness Success ?

Getting in shape after 40 is possible if you make a commitment and stick with it.

There are many factors to consider when getting started, but putting these six tips into practice can help ensure your success:

Tip-1.Practice Strength Training

It is advisable to start with strength training rather than doing only cardio. Strength training involves the use of weights, bands, or your own body weight to do exercises that yield three specific benefits

Builds muscle
Muscle built will burn more calories during everyday activities
Preserves lean muscle loss

The best exercises are full body or compound exercises that work for opposite muscle groups together. For instance, squats are great for building leg strength while also working the core.

Tip-2.Do Moderate Cardio

Cardio workouts are integral to your success because they can burn a lot of calories in a very short period (10). It is important, however, not to do too much cardio either. The point is to get your heart rate up for an extended period so you want to make sure that you’re getting enough cardiovascular activity, but then also balancing it out with strength training for the body to not burn muscle mass during exercise sessions.

Tip-3.Allow Time For Recovery

Exercise creates tiny tears within the muscles that need time to heal before the next workout session. If you work out too frequently or don’t allow adequate rest periods, your muscles will never have time to recover and grow, which means that you won’t see results as quickly as you would if you were giving your body the time it needs to repair itself . Be sure to rest at least one full day between each workout session and at least two or three days per week

Tip-4.Be Wary Of Injury

Many people over 40 have joint and bone tissues that can be exacerbated by certain exercises. It is strongly recommended to avoid high-impact cardio, such as running if you suffer from joint pain. Instead, opt for low-impact activities like swimming or biking. Strength training also comes with some limitations, so be sure to speak to your doctor before beginning any new program if you have hip or knee problems

Even if you have no preexisting problems, it’s wise to be cautious. Some ways of preventing exercise-related injuries include

Warming up before each session
Cooling down after each workout
Taking adequate rest periods between sessions
Avoiding exercises that are known to be dangerous for joints
Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water during exercise sessions

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