How To Start Getting Fit After 40 ?

If you’re over the age of 40 and not in shape, it can be tough to start a fitness routine. You may feel like you’ve missed your chance at taking care of yourself. Or perhaps, you’d think that since you’ve already let yourself go, there is no point in trying to get fit now. But there are some great reasons why people over the age of 40 should work out. In this article, you will discover why getting fit is important past 40 and how to start now

Benefits Of Getting In Shape After The Age Of 40

Even if you were inactive before this decade, it is still possible for you to start a physical fitness regimen and reap the benefits of exercise.

Starting a Keto Diet without any help is possible, but unfortunately, most people who go it alone will fail

1-Burn Visceral Fat

You may have built up a lot of visceral fat around your stomach and internal organs by the time you hit 40. Visceral fat is stored between muscles and around organs such as the heart, kidneys, or spleen. While it is not necessarily dangerous to your overall health, it can be harmful to your cardiovascular system if left untreated . For this reason, getting in shape can help reduce the amount of visceral fat that has built up over time and lower the risks of heart disease and diabetes

2-Improve Heart Health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide . However, there are ways to improve your odds against developing cardiovascular problems by simply making smart lifestyle choices. Getting in shape can strengthen your heart and improve the health of your blood vessels, leading to a healthier heart.

3-Improve Metabolism

The metabolism naturally slows down as the years go by . Because of this inevitable process, people tend to gain weight while also becoming less active at the same time. This creates a vicious cycle that makes it difficult for people over 40 to lose weight without working out consistently and eating a healthy diet. Fortunately, if you form new habits now, you will be able to drop pounds before they creep up on you.

4-Preserve Lean Muscle

Muscle loss accelerates the older you get. Unless you are taking steps to maintain your muscle mass, you can lose up to 3 to 8% of lean muscle every year after the age of 30 . This is bad for several reasons.

First, muscle loss leads to decreased strength and loss of functional ability, making everyday tasks more challenging than they need to be. Second, it reduces metabolic function. Muscle burns more calories than fat tissue, which means that if you have lost a significant amount of muscle over time, your metabolism is slowing down each day too. Finally, there are aesthetic reasons. Muscle looks good, and we all want to look good as we age

Starting a Keto Diet without any help is possible, but unfortunately, most people who go it alone will fail

5-Balance Hormones

Aging can cause imbalances in many different hormones, including testosterone and estrogen levels. Maintaining appropriate levels of these two key hormones is important for preventing diseases associated with aging, such as osteoporosis (13). Getting enough physical activity regularly can help balance your hormone levels so that you don’t have to worry about the negative effects of hormonal imbalances later in life.

6-Improve Mood

Exercise acts as a natural pick-me-up because it releases endorphins into the body while being performed . Endorphins are neurotransmitters that bind to opioid receptors in the brain, making you feel good while alleviating pain at the same time. When starting a fitness program, you’ll want to focus on exercises that will release the most endorphins into your system

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