10 High Protein Furits For Muscle Building

Are you looking to pack on some muscle and look stunning for your next beach day? Along with exercise, you also need to be eating enough protein to speed that along. Many people believe that you have to eat lots of meat to get sufficient protein in your diet. But did you know that you can eat fruits too?

In this post, we will show you some of our favorite high-protein fruits! We’ll also discuss the benefits of each fruit and how they can help you reach your goals. So, if you’re looking for a healthy and delicious way to add more protein to your diet, read on!

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Which fruit is best for muscle gain?

If you’re looking for a high-protein fruit that will help you build muscle, our top pick is the humble guava. Guava is an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and minerals

It has almost 4.2gms protein per cup! It also contains a compound called quercetin, which has been shown to boost muscle growth

1. Avocado

Avocados are a great source of healthy fats, protein, and vitamins. They’re perfect for adding to smoothies or salads for an extra boost of protein. One cup of avocado contains about 3gms of protein! This makes it a great choice for those looking to build muscle.

2. Guava

As we’ve already mentioned above, nothing beats guava when it comes to high-protein fruits! Many professional bodybuilders consider guava to be a ‘super-food’ because of how effective it is during weight training. Guava is also a great source of vitamins C and A, which are essential for maintaining a healthy immune system

3. Blackberries

Blackberries are a delicious and nutritious fruit that is high in fiber, antioxidants, and protein. One cup of blackberries contains about 2gms of protein. This may not seem like much, but it can add up over time! Blackberries are also a good source of magnesium, which is essential for muscle growth and development.
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4. Jackfruit

This sweet, crunchy delicacy from tropical Asia is not only delicious but also packed with protein and nutrients. It also has a texture similar to that of pulled pork or shredded chicken, so you can easily get your protein fix and use it as a great substitute for meat! What better fruit to get jacked up on than the jackfruit?

5. Kiwi

Not the bird, but the fruit! With a solid 2.1gms of protein per cup, this green wonder is a great way to add some extra protein to your diet. Kiwis are also packed with vitamins C and E, which are great for boosting your immune system.


Oranges are a great source of vitamin C, but they’re also high in fiber and protein. One cup of oranges contains about 1.7gms of protein. Take them as an after-workout snack for maximum effect!

7. Apricots

Ready to Transform Your Health and Feel Amazing… for 1/3 the Cost of Juicing? Include organifi green juice in your diet and build muscle mass
Apricots are a sweet and tangy fruit that is high in fiber and antioxidants. One cup of apricot contains about 2.3gms of protein. On top of all that, they’re also a good source of beta carotene, which is essential for healthy skin and eyesight.

8. Apple

One of the most popular fruits in the world, apples contain a decent amount of protein (about 1gm) per fruit. Although it’s not going to give you muscles overnight, it’s an easy and convenient way to get those gains in. Spread some peanut butter on your apple slices, and you’ve got one of the greatest protein-rich snacks ever.

9. Banana

Did you know that bananas can fuel your workout just as much as any sports drink out there? Easy to eat, packed with potassium, and with a good amount of protein (1.3gm per fruit), bananas are an ideal pre-or post-workout snack
Ready to Transform Your Health and Feel Amazing… for 1/3 the Cost of Juicing? Include organifi green juice in your diet and build muscle mass

10. Watermelon

Watermelon contains mostly water and very little protein or fats. Hence, you might be wondering why it’s on this list.
The truth is that watermelon contains a high amount of citrulline, which is later converted to nitrous oxide in your body. Nitrous oxide increases blood flow to the muscles and helps with nutrient recovery, both of which helps with muscle building.

So next time you’re feeling lethargic during your training session, try eating some watermelon for an energy boost!
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